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(Last Updated On: 9th April 2019) One of the things I love about Edinburgh is that the outdoors is right at your fingertips. Jump in a car and in minutes you’re in the Pentland Hills. Jump on a bicycle and in minutes you could be on one of the many scenic bike paths. And jump on a bus for a...

The Falkirk Wheel

(Last Updated On: 28th March 2019)   For all you nerds out there, a day trip to Falkirk to see the Falkirk Wheel is likely to have you dribbling with geeky glee as you explore the engineering marvel up close. But fear not all you partners, friends or kids of nerds, if the nitty gritty of engineering makes you snore, you’ll...

Cramond Island

(Last Updated On: 11th March 2019)   If Brad Pitt (think ‘Thelma and Louise‘) is the Mediterranean, then Edinburgh’s seaside is more like Gerard Butler; not your classic beauty, but definitely possessing a certain rough and rugged charm. One place where you’ll be able to judge for yourself whether I’m right about that is Cramond Island, about six miles from Edinburgh’s...
(Last Updated On: 12th October 2019) With hundreds of pubs in Edinburgh, you’d be surprised how difficult it is to find yourself delicious, affordable pub food. There’s oodles of places I could rank passable in a ‘well that filled a hole’ kind of way, but don’t you want ‘mmm yuuum‘ food from your pub instead? Of course you do. Here’s a...
(Last Updated On: 22nd February 2019) For those of us who love films, it’s often a thrill to realise you’re standing on the spot of a favourite scene of a favourite movie. For the traveler to Edinburgh, you might be surprised to learn just how many films have used the city as a back drop. But while huge cities like...

Secret Polish Vodka Bar

(Last Updated On: 14th February 2019) How do you get people to flock to your bar? Easy. Put the word secret in the name. Well, it worked for me with the Secret Polish Vodka Bar, or as it’s also known, Secret Arcade Bar. And now that I’m in on the secret, I’m happy to announce it’s a place I’d go back...
(Last Updated On: 14th February 2019) Have you read my post on cycling The Water of Leith? Of course you have. Good good. Well then this next sentence will be a repeat; The Water of Leith played an enormous role in Edinburgh’s growth in the 18th and 19th centuries. These days it’s an almost hidden oasis of calm where you can...
(Last Updated On: 3rd April 2021) For a full cultural experience in any new country, immersing yourself in the local cuisine is a must. So to help get your head around what it means to be a Scot, or a Scot’s gut, below is a list of the food and drink you should be keeping your eyes peeled for. As...

The Heart of Midlothian

(Last Updated On: 30th January 2019)   If you were walking along the Royal Mile and saw someone spitting on the street, the appropriate reaction would usually be to throw them a horrified glance and maybe even mutter a grossed out ‘ewww’. But in Edinburgh, there’s one place where hocking a big old loogie is not only acceptable, it’s damn near...

Edinburgh Police Boxes

(Last Updated On: 21st January 2019) If I say ‘Tardis’ what’s the first thing that pops into your head? A certain iconic doctor and his time traveling machine? Or maybe a Dalek? What if I told you when I think of that royal blue Police Box my mind goes straight to Brazilian crepes, homemade muffins and Indian Samosas? Nope, it’s...