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Edinburgh’s Best Chippies

(Last Updated On: 15th August 2020) I must confess, I’m not much of a chippy fan. Mostly because I don’t eat fish, but also because...

Edinburgh’s Best Viewing Spots

(Last Updated On: 8th May 2019) Edinburgh is traditionally said to have been built on seven hills. Walk round the town for an hour or...

Edinburgh’s Best (Affordable) Pub Food

(Last Updated On: 12th October 2019) With hundreds of pubs in Edinburgh, you’d be surprised how difficult it is to find yourself delicious, affordable pub...

The Best Places to Find a Gift or Souvenir in Edinburgh

(Last Updated On: 13th August 2019) Is it just me or do you too find yourself a ‘victim’ of increasingly out of control holiday gift...

The Best of Edinburgh’s Royal Mile

(Last Updated On: 21st September 2019) Edinburgh’s Royal Mile is undoubtedly the most touristy street in the city, and we’re often told if you want...

Edinburgh’s Best Cupcakes

(Last Updated On: 1st January 2018)   Who doesn’t love a cupcake? They’re a cake, but they’re mini, so you get the indulgence of eating a...

Edinburgh’s Best Secret Shortcuts and Side Streets

(Last Updated On: 9th August 2018)   Is this the weirdest subject for a post ever? Maybe. But even though Edinburgh’s not a big city it’s...

Best Doughnuts in Edinburgh

(Last Updated On: 5th April 2019) I don’t eat doughnuts that often, but whenever I do it’s no mere casual craving. It’s something I need...