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Little Italy Leith

(Last Updated On: 22nd September 2021) Much to my continued pleasure and expanding waistline, I’m discovering that my new hood, Leith, is very much Edinburgh’s...

The Sicilian Pastry Shop

(Last Updated On: 21st October 2021) You don’t have to have lived in Edinburgh too long before you’ll start hearing about The Sicilian Pastry Shop...

Over Langshaw Ice Cream Police Box

(Last Updated On: 22nd September 2021)   I’m a big fan of Edinburgh Police Box businesses. Police Scotland have in the past sold off handfuls of...

Civerinos – Italian Street Food and Pizza Slice Bar

(Last Updated On: 22nd September 2021)   I’m about to totally rave about Civerinos. But to understand the significance of said rave, you must first know...

Under the Stairs

(Last Updated On: 22nd September 2021)   Here’s what I know; Edinburgh is the ‘birthplace’ of the Harry Potter world. JK Rowling penned a chunk of...

The Devil’s Advocate

(Last Updated On: 22nd September 2021)   The Devil’s Advocate is in my favourite type of location; hidden down an alley. I don’t know if it’s because...

Lucky Liquor Co

(Last Updated On: 22nd September 2021)   If you’ve visited a few bars in the last couple of years, you’ve no doubt come across cocktails served in glass...

Wings Edinburgh

(Last Updated On: 27th January 2020)   Just so we’re clear, Wings Edinburgh serves chicken wings; BBQ wings, garlic wings, maple syrup wings, Chipotle wings, wings...


(Last Updated On: 8th January 2018)   One of the most recognisable and long standing of Edinburgh’s Police Boxes, and certainly the most colourful, Tupiniquim has...